I was born in 1956 and over the years lived in Indiana, Florida, Colorado, and Wyoming. It was while attending a Baptist church in Fort Collins, Colorado, in 1970 that I met my future wife, Linda. We reconnected about 10 years later, after which we were married in 1981. We have three wonderful daughters who are now living with their husbands in California and Alaska. In December 2019 we were blessed with our first grandchild.
In 2019 I retired after 38 years of work in the science and engineering professions for a private engineering and architectural consulting firm in Wyoming, and for U.S. Department of Energy contractors in Colorado. Although oftentimes very stressful, I’m thankful to God for a very satisfying career during which I worked with many exceptional people and learned a great deal—not only pertaining to my jobs but more importantly about life. I tried to do my best, knowing that I was actually working for and representing God and my Lord Jesus Christ.
I was saved by the grace of God when I was eight years old through the witness of my mother. With my family I attended various churches including Dutch Reform, Southern Baptist, Conservative Baptist, and Evangelical Free churches. I was active in youth groups in the latter two churches. In 1974 I was exposed to dispensational teaching and the Bible truly began to make sense to me—I began gaining a greater understanding of my salvation, God’s will for believers, and His plan for His people through the ages.
After attending the Berean Church in Thornton, Colorado, for a couple of years in the mid-1970s, I joined a Bible study group in Fort Collins where I lived and attended college (Colorado State University, where I earned a couple of science degrees). I was soon leading my share of Bible study lessons, along with my good friend Hal Wilson and my father, in the latter part of the 1970s and into the 1980s. After a move to Wyoming in 1982, I had the privilege of leading a Bible study group there until we moved back to Colorado in 1990. We began a Bible study group that year and it continues to the present day.
For many years I aspired to be a pastor of an independent church. God had other plans, however, as I realized that I truly loved leading small Bible study groups where my teaching style allows for questions and discussion. Additionally, I saw the value of going to a job every day and using my experiences to relate to and understand the people in my Bible study groups. Linda and I do not belong to an organized church nor do we have a denominational affiliation—we consider our Bible study group as a church in our home (or wherever we happen to meet).
Now that I’m retired, I have more time (and energy) to study and prepare for my lessons and to develop new and update old studies. Linda and I had thought about starting this website for a few years and I’m thankful for finally being able to launch it online in 2020 (Linda learned how to be my personal website developer and manager!). We don’t know what lies ahead, but we are trusting God.
Note: More personal information is provided in the following articles.
Testimony of Grace
No More Skiing